Brilliantly presented here my friend. I don’t think I could make it through the day without brave people like you who are not afraid to express the truth. I just wrote an article, “Suffer the Little Children” I would love for you to read. Not the trans topic (vaccines for tiny children) but comes to the same conclusions as your article. Keep up the amazing work, brother.

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Jul 16, 2022Liked by Mark McDonald, M.D.

As the Mom of grown children and recognizing that our generation was simply fortunate not to have experienced this dystopian psyop visited upon our kids I've been moved by the stories of the involved parents and kids. It is part of the United States of Fear you write so well about. It is indeed deeply evil when these psychopathic kleptocrats and their minions come for our kids. They will be defeated.

There are many parents who have figured the plot out and do the best they are able to support their kids, but the fact these maniacs are allowed to do any of this shows a weakness in the population.

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Jul 16, 2022Liked by Mark McDonald, M.D.

Another important piece, Dr. McDonald. I have been so disappointed in the vast majority of parents who are unwilling to stand up for their children. Yes we have the mama bears (God bless them), but we also have those (probably more of these) that comply with useless, dangerous mandates, and are now lining up to get their children injected with experimental gene therapy! Yesterday I saw a pregnant woman (masked) putting a mask on her tiny toddler. It is maddening! Thank you for your wisdom and clarity. I quote you often, share your book and your writings as much as I can.

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Jul 16, 2022·edited Jul 16, 2022Liked by Mark McDonald, M.D.

Mark, I have shared the interview you did with Mikki Willis for his upcoming documentary, Plandemic III, with everyone I know that has school age children. I take my hat off to you for speaking out on the corruption of the education system. I am now reading 'Crimes of the Educators, How Utopians are Using Government Schools to Destroy America's Children' by Samuel Blumenfeld & Alex Newman


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I very much agree, but the buck doesn't stop with the transgender activists.

Like many teachers pushing the masks and school closures destroying children's lives, many transgender activists are among the many useful idiots conned into promoting this insanity by the fewer shills paid off by the handful of eugenocidal sociopaths at the top.

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If you can stomach it please look at yet another attack on our kids. Really sick but worth looking at?


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Jul 28, 2022·edited Jul 28, 2022

Thank you for writing about this ... I didn't realize until recently how far this had gone ... it's gaslighting /manipulation, riding in on equality and respect for gays, lesbians, bi's, and .. gender nonconforming .. (GNC .. does it really need an acronym? Didn't we finally reach the point in humanity where we can just BE gender nonconforming? I'm grateful for having believed so all my life. (Then comes pharma / medical industrial complex)

It's an inverted bait and switch, it's homophobia that DOESN'T accept feminine men and masculine women, it tries to medically change them into what they are not.

"Well, they're sure they've always felt like the other sex, and they'll be miserable if they don't do this." (Insert threat of suicide). (Actually, they were coached to say that on tictok or wherever, and they didn't say anything about being the other gender until last year.)

Well, maybe they've always been unusually feminine for a boy or masculine for a girl. OK, so affirm and accept THAT, don't sign them up for a lifetime of bone marrow problems, deny them the pleasure and potential of their own body, and make them lab rat art projects.

There's manipulative evil behind this, but also a LOT of people believing the gaslighing that it's abusive to not "affirm", and meaning well. (As with covid .. the cords of protection / compassion / allyship are manipulated in disgusting, inverted ways.)

And as with covid, the injured, who believed the lies and paid the price, are gaslit and disrespected. And medical /psych boards want to control outcomes, with pharma false solution before integrity and healing.

Bless you for speaking about this, as therapists are - as doctors with covid - put into twisted definitions that dictate absolute madness and prevent authenticity.

Important sites and articles ... this is a parents group, they are brokenhearted, all have the same story, and are the farthest thing from abusive or homophobic. PITT - Parents With Inconvenient Truths About Trans - https://pitt.substack.com/



https://citizenzeus.substack.com/p/what-if-advocating-for-sex-reassignment - "What if Advocating for Sex Reassignment and Abolishing Biological Sex Is Exactly What Patriarchy Wants?

Be careful what we align with. Dig deeper. How do we best respect the wisdom of nature, children's play, and our own evolving learning?"

There are connections to transhumanism / posthumanism - https://www.corbettreport.com/what-is-the-trans-agenda-questions-for-corbett-video/

So much info here, on the UK site Transgendertrend .. and about the "trusted" BBC / and the "science" used to justify this .. ( and there is link to autism .. circles of pharma injury ) - https://www.transgendertrend.com/autism-gender-identity-autistic-bodies/

* https://www.transgendertrend.com/the-bbc-presents-im-a-non-binary-ten-year-old/ *

Much info here also, many links, a parent who did tons of research - https://pitt.substack.com/p/the-messiah-complex (Although I don't see a problem with the concept of a "gendered soul", while understanding it's impossible to surely prove. The problem is with the conflation with mutilating one's current body.)



Jennifer Bilek



Nov 21, 2019

Instituting gender identity as a legal construct deconstructs what it means to be human at core: a biologically, sexually dimorphic species.

This is the point.

Think about this carefully.

Gender is an obfuscation.

The state is deconstructing sex."


StillTish is a powerful substack. A Mother, and financial researcher -


"This post will cover market insights for surgeries labelled as “sex reassignment” . This is not an accurate term it betrays the foundational lie at the heart of this, purported, civil rights movement. It is impossible to change sex. Latterly these surgeries are being referred to as “Gender Affirming” treatments; an even more misleading term. You can read the full article here. 👇

Market Insights

This organisation offers insights for financial speculators so they can ascertain the likely profitability/yield you can expect from investing in the modern day Doctor Mengeles. (I don’t use this term lightly. I want trials. Nuremberg style)."

Detransition subreddit - https://www.reddit.com/r/detrans/


And, in Iran, a country that criminalizes homosexuality, trans surgeries are much more accepted than being gay. Google says "Thailand: Thailand is the country that performs the most sex reassignment surgeries, followed by Iran." https://iraniansurgery.com/en/what-is-the-purpose-of-sex-reassignment-surgery/

How the fuck does this get away with calling itself a progressive cause? Manipulation, narrative control, mass formation ...

It will be exposed ..

While not a humorous topic, and I don't mean to make light of it, but this is one of JP's most brilliant, I think, so sharing here, "How to Transition a Rooster To a Hen" - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Srfcdq8X-no

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