Apr 20, 2023·edited Apr 20, 2023

You can’t have traditions without the family. It’s the destruction of the family at the hands of the government, and the Marxists that control the cultural narrative, that is destroying our society. Fewer and fewer young people are marrying and having families. They have been taught that careers and self- fulfillment are most important. Marriage and children just get in the way of that. So family traditions aren’t passed on - there’s no one to pass them on to. And they are lost.

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Yes--that is why the family is under attack here in the US. Parental authority, sexual distinction, husband / wife bipolarity, property ownership...everything that strengthens family has been assaulted by the Left.

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Apr 20, 2023Liked by Mark McDonald, M.D.

A beautiful description of a country steeped in tradition, it’s tribal and that’s how a society flourishes.

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Apr 21, 2023Liked by Mark McDonald, M.D.

Dr. M, you describe a soft place to land in this world of chaos. May these rural enclaves thrive and eventually help reestablish these values that have brought such joy and hope over so many generations.

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