'Good quality meat is more expensive than poor quality meat'

I can only speak for myself and prices where Iive, but this is not necessarily the case. Local, properly raised beef here is around the same price as what the grocery chains offer, sometimes a little cheaper, at most maybe a dollar more per pound. Havent gotten to the place yet, but recently found a direct sale farm that sells ground beef, from pastured cows (grass finish, no grains ever) for $4 a lb. Same with local eggs (4.50 a dozen). I suggest everyone check local farmers markets or small scale butcher shops if any are in the area and havent. May be pleasantly surprised as how cheap quality food can be when it is outside typical supply chains.

Check the website beefinitiative.com, under the producers section is a list of sources all over the country. Might be a gem near you you arent even aware of.

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Best news I've had in a long while. Here in Los Angeles, prices are sky high for anything even edible, much less healthy. Virtue signaling probably plays a role in this as well, muddying the economic waters. Farmers markets are essentially marketed to and supported by wealthy white liberals in tony neighborhoods who think nothing of paying a dollar per egg or two dollars per tomato, as long as they can proudly announce to their friends the food is "organic." It's like going to church for them and placing an offering in the tithing box--cleanses their conscience.

In any case, thank you for the information. I would love to see more people support a healthy food market, which would also help keep prices reasonable.

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Leave it to LA to ruin farmers markets. Why am I not surprised? And the grand irony being another meme come to life, with those same 'organic' virtue signalers likely being the same ones who aren't necessarily an organic human anymore. They'll rightfully pass on GMOs, yet many are now in fact GMOs after the Thingy Thing. And all that said, you are welcome

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Ironic, truly. They were the first ones to rush out and inject themselves and their children, then persecute everyone around them who exercised their right not to.

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One thing is certain, sheeple gonna sheep. Every single time

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Yes , Raw milk $15 a gallon ! Can I drink about a gallon a day ! My wife drinks it in my two children drink it so I don’t even want to know what I’m spending a month I’ve had to pick up some more clients just pay for it 😁 my grandfather in Greece used to get it from the goat and spike it with retzena. He’s probably rolling over in his grave when he sees what his grandson is paying for it

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I appreciated the sources of protein info at FullScript since I'm counting protein grams again.

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Dr. Mark, can you comment on those who also attribut high cholesterol to eating meat? Thanks!

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It's a critical subject right now, and my podcast co-host Dr. Jeffrey Barke addresses it on his RxForLiberty Instagram account: https://www.instagram.com/rxforliberty/. We just interviewed a well-known cardiologist on the podcast who began calling out the cholesterol myth years ago. It should be coming out soon at https://informeddissentmedia.com.

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No one has ever died from too much cholesterol but people have died, come down with ALS, MS, , Alzheimer’s, Rhabdo, Global transit amnesia , shrinking penis syndrome😳, and wussy disease From not enough ! Do you think Joe Biden take statins ????

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I’ve been a raw meat eater Rob milk drinker raw egg eater for about seven years now At almost 52 years old I’ve never been more muscular or stronger in my life with little to any brain fog ever . Add bee pollen to that with 2x week Arthur Jones high intensity strength training You’ll be kicking ass and taking names when you’re 85

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It’s great for you! More the better. The so call bad cholesterol simply under goes oxidation faster. That doesn’t make it bad. You just don’t want free radicals any where in your body

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B pollen being highest antioxidant value on earth will correct this

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Those vegans are going to be suffering mightily when they get older, osteoporosis, sarcopenia and many other ills caused by lack of quality nutrition. It is possible to get full nutrition being a vegan but it requires an intentionality that most of them don’t have

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I've never met a healthy vegan.

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tells you about all you need to know that the world economic forum and Klaus Schwab wants us all to be vegans or insectterian

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All of the vegans that I have known to have encountered with the exception of one couple we’re clearly vegan for ideological reasons not health reasons. And the one couple knows absolutely nothing about health, their choice of diet proves that

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At some point infertility becomes a major problem among vegans, ala Pottenger’s Cats

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I think the issue is also about the inhumane treatment of animals in processing meat and how we need to address that- separate from the health concerns

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Yes, that is a separate issue, but it's not one for me to address. It's also important to not allow that issue to cloud the truth--that a healthy diet necessarily includes meat and dairy. The vegan ideologues dodge it by raising the unrelated issue of animal mistreatment. This is similar to what environmental ideologues do: They cite examples of pollution as justification for impoverishing humanity by strangling energy production. The reality is that no one is more invested in keeping animals healthy and the environment clean than actual farmers / ranchers and outdoorsman.

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Sep 25, 2023Edited
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I learned something! Excellent information.

I'm reminded of the baking soda that Chinese restaurants use to tenderize their cheap beef. Many people steer clear of grass-fed beef in stores because it's too tough, although it is healthier and contains more omega-3 fats than otherwise identical grain or corn fed meat. If the meat is poor quality, though, it's still poor quality. Neither baking soda or grass can fix that.

Go to the source!

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