I really can’t see medicine turning around. It seems every aspect—from training, to practice, journals, societies, and boards are woke and/or corrupt. And beyond that often dark and downright evil. Perhaps a parallel profession? Not sure how that might work but now the “profession” is beyond repair.

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I had a very similar experience to yours, Mark. A lovely young 18 year old girl I saw for many sessions came in one day and just announced she was going to "get" a sex change. Nothing led up to this other than a bit of a confused sexual orientation (one week interested in guys, the next in women). I never saw her again after that, she was starting "specialized trans therapy" with another therapist, who was trans as well as well as hormone meds. My heart broke.

I truly am not certain how to handle this sort of thing in the future...I know it will happen again.

Thank you again for your wonderful insight. I agree with Truth Seeker below...I really can't see how this psychotic episode of the medical profession is going to change. I am seriously considering "switching" to "life coaching" and giving up my psychotherapy license. I want no regulation...none...

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I agree strongly with your last two sentences about forcefully opposing the descent into societal destruction.

My recently retired professor of Chemistry husband has always been proud of his small liberal arts college science department's record on getting students accepted to medical school - for good reason I might add considering there are only 1000 full-time students. In the past two years, as I've watched several of those students (two from the same family) going along with all the covid insanity including the jabs, I've been telling him I can no longer encourage people to pursue that vocation. There is no critical thinking, just indoctrination and going along with the system. In March 2021, I begged two of them (married) NOT to get the jabs due to the concerns about fertility. In June, they told me they had in a way that told me "of course we would do this b/c medical school is so important to us." All I could say was, "I'm sorry."

I'm reading "Freedom from Fear" now, Dr. McDonald. It's a fun read because I'm not afraid and haven't been since mid-2020 when I decided I wasn't going to live in fear of a virus. I just read the "face diaper at the gym" story to my husband and said, "And you think I'm bad!" Much to his discomfort and dismay, last week at a grocery store I asked the teenaged bagger wearing a black face diaper, "Why are you wearing that on your face?" He said, "What? My mask?" I said, "Yes, why are you wearing that? It doesn't protect anyone. Read the studies." He was taken aback of course and said, "Better safe than sorry." I said, "It doesn't protect you and there is early treatment for covid." He said his parents wanted him to wear it. At that point, the checker needed to talk with me, so my interaction with him ended. I wish I'd said this to him: "Part of growing up is doing your own research." If I had a bunch of copies of your book, I would have handed him one, "Here, a gift for your parents." I related this interaction on another Substack including about the book and someone replied to me, "they'd probably burn it!" I responded this was likely correct as this is the grocery store we call the "Gucci Martin's" because of its location and the clientele.

Seriously, I know there will be value for me in reading "Freedom from Fear" because all of us are hiding in one way or another. One thing that jumped out at me was your insight that fear addicts lack curiosity. Instantly, my sister-in-law's face was in my mind. I'd shared a video of a roundtable discussion Gov. DeSantis did in March 2021 and her response was "thanks, but I'm not interested." It's easier for her living in CA to remain in Ostrich Parasitic Syndrome.

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Commenting again on this perfect post. When I read it the first time something must have happened to prevent me from reading the whole article! I originally missed the part on MAP, which, to me, it more terrifying than the trans issue, although not by much. Dr. McDonald's term "normalization" is the most frightening aspect of this very clear and pervasive trend. I see the writing on the wall, and I believe at some point I will have to retire my license as a Registered Psychotherapist.

How he ties together the mask nonsense is brilliant. I am so grateful there are people out there like Dr. McDonald...there is no confusion in his words and his views...and there is no confusion in mine...it is very comforting to know that I don't have to dance around this like many of us have a compulsion to do...when the all and mighty DSM tells us something, we listen. NOT. Not anymore.

Now, I am a mental health practitioner...I have seen a few pedophiles in my time, I do have compassion and empathy for the soul of these individuals, and I do try to help them...but helping them is not to validate their pathology...it doesn't work that way in my book.

Thank you AGAIN Mark for this so intelligent writing....

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