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Informed Dissent
Informed Dissent - Courage to Face COVID-19 - Peter McCullough and John Leake

Informed Dissent - Courage to Face COVID-19 - Peter McCullough and John Leake

Dr. Jeff Barke and Dr. Mark McDonald increase your knowledge-base of Informed Dissent by exploring the new book Courage to Face COVID-19 by renowned cardiologist and expert on all things COVID  Dr. Peter McCullough and John Leake who is an established investigative writer. John Leake's books include Entering Hades: The Double Life of a Serial Killer (Sarah Crichton Books, FSG)  and Cold a Long Time: An Alpine Mystery (winner of the 2012 Independent Publisher Award). His investigative work has been the subject of a number of television documentaries from A&E Biography, Discovery, the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation’s “Fifth Estate,” and the Austrian Broadcasting Corporation’s “Am Schauplatz Gericht. Listen now to discover more.

For more Informed Dissent visit: https://informeddissentmedia.com/
For more on The Courage to Face COVID-19: https://www.amazon.com/COURAGE-FACE-COVID-19-Hospitalization-Bio-Pharmaceutical/dp/B09ZCQB53T

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