Dr. Mark McDonald and Dr. Jeff Barke spend time with Dr. Ryan Cole discussing remedies for Long COVID and the stickiness of science with Dr. Ryan Cole. Dr Cole has been on the forefront of science-based information dispelling the government narrative about mRNA injections and other forms of propaganda pushed out by various government and non-government organizations hoping to capitalize on the profitdemic. Follow the money and watch how “the science” changes, manipulates, and gets harder to follow.
Find Dr. Ryan Cole here:
@DRCole12 on Twitter or rcolemd.com
Enjoy more Informed Dissent content here: https://informeddissentmedia.com/
The Morning Message with Dr. Jeff Barke is here: https://www.rxforliberty.com/general-2
Dr. Mark McDonald's Substack writings are here: https://substack.com/profile/44728869-mark-mcdonald-md
For more Informed Dissent visit our website at Informed Dissent Media
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