Try magnesium spray and breathing soft through nose only to keep C02 concentration high as CO2 is the “great relaxer “

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I may do an article on Wemhoff breathing for that very reason. Fascinating story with significant health implications.

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Ultimately I would say it’s always the lack of proactive action that leads to anxiety and fear The mind, left to the defensive will always go negative I would always look for ways to take massive action towards a problem. And if that can’t be done at least take a little action steps towards a solution always keep the offensive mindset I can tell you from personal combat experience that is the only way to survive a violent situation there is no time to be defensive and it simply doesn’t work anyway . Attack life with a passion

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You're raising a point that I have been raising more and more frequently in my practice with my therapy patients--behavioral activation trumps "insight" in producing lasting change. I used to believe the latter led the former, but now I'm convinced I had it backwards. I still value insight, which is critical for growth, but I've seen too many cases of patients build outstanding insight yet continue to lead emotionally impoverished lives. I frequently say in my writing and speaking that acting in spite of fear is all that is needed to produce change...and express courage.

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As the samurai used to say when afraid clench your belly and step forward

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Look into Buteyko method think you will like the science of it

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The exchange of CO2 and O2 off of the hemoglobin is what makes the method so unique by breathing softly through your nose you accumulate CO2 and that allows the hemoglobin to release O2 so you get more oxygen to your tissues

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Buddha said the perfect man breaths as though he does not

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The Buteyko Method of reading which is really the way all human beings used to breed and it’s certainly how infants breathe

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Opps, breath🤪

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Oct 18, 2023
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Yes, The greatest of all the apostles send Paul said if you fear you do not know perfect love One of the best ways to get out of anxiety and fear is to love people more than you love yourself get out of yourself and you simply don’t have time to be afraid

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